Kamis, 22 September 2011

Workshop on Increasing Teachers' Competency in ICT

I am Yenti Efrina, an English teacher in Junior High School number 3 Payakumbuh Subdistrict Lima Puluh Kota Regency (SMPN 3 Kec. Payakumbuh Kab. Lima Puluh Kota)). I am in a workshop in the capital city of West Sumatera. The workshop has aim to increase teachers' competency in ICT. ICT will give a lot of advantages in helping teachers to enrich their methods of teaching.
The workshop is done by BALTEKKOM DIKNAS of West Sumatera in Padang. It holds in 19 to 24 September, 2011. The participants of the workshop are teachers whose background knowledge from "non TIK" who teach the subjects in National Examination, such as Bahasa Indonesia, English, Physics, Biology, and maths. There are 40 teachers from SMP in West Sumatera.In this workshop, we get materials that will help us in increasing and inovate our way of teaching from conventional to the sophisticated one. we teach how to make interesting power point, blogs, director, and to apply "Rumah Belajar" in making our teaching preparation. As one of the participant who represent my regency, I felt proud and satisfied to get this opportunity and I hope I can apply my knowldege in my class later.                                                                                

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